Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme

Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme supports local innovation and best practices to ultimately improve patient care in three therapy areas – virology (HIV, HCV, HDV), cell therapy, and oncology.

The aim of Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme is to support healthcare organisations and/or academic institutions to develop innovative, high-impact projects that deliver measurable benefits to patients, healthcare providers and communities impacted by Gilead’s therapeutic areas of expertise.

Since 2013, the programme has funded more than 100 Nordic projects, leaving an important legacy in these areas. Applications are invited from healthcare organisations and/or academic institutions who are seeking funding for a project that aligns with the goals of the programme.

Eligibility Criteria 2024

To be awarded funding, applicants are required to demonstrate how their innovative high-impact project conducted in the Nordics meets this year’s criteria within three therapy areas as outlined below:

  • Virology (HIV, HCV, HDV)
    • Projects aiming for ending epidemics, e.g. testing
      (including broad blood-borne-viruses testing), linkage to and retention in care
    • Understanding burden of disease and patient characteristics, e.g. quality of life, disease progression
    • Risk assessment, identification, and management of comorbidities within HIV
  • Cell Therapy
    • Haematology with focus areas B-cell lymphomas, ALL and multiple myeloma:
      • Document unmet need or improve patient outcomes using health registries.
      • Advance patient management, diagnosing or precision health approaches including the use of artificial intelligence approaches.
    • Basic, pre-clinical and translational research to enhance the understanding of cancer-immunology in cell therapy
  • Oncology

  • Basic, pre-clinical and translational research advancing the understanding of:
    • Tumor-intrinsic pathways in tumor cell death
    • Immune-mediated tumor killing
    • The tumor permissive microenvironment

  • In oncology, understand scientific mechanism of:
    • Trop-2 on disease progression or treatment outcomes
    • Drug resistance
    • Blood-brain-barrier disruption in patients with brain metastasis (breast cancer and/or lung cancer)
  • Managing patient care (including adverse events in patients with metastatic epithelial cell malignancies)
  • Real-world evidence for prevalence, incidence, and treatment outcomes in patients with metastatic breast cancer, urothelial cancer and/or lung cancer

Guidance for applicants

This following information is intended to provide guidance on how to submit your application to the programme.

If you have any questions regarding the application process or more specific application enquiries, please send them to [email protected].

First register in our grant portal and then choose from the following grant and programme type.

  • Therapeutic Area:
    (Select one of the following)
    Liver disease
    HDV or HCV
    (including Cell therapy)
  • Grant Type: Medical/Scientific
  • Program Type: Fellowship/Scholarships
  • Credit Type: Unaccredited
  • Tax status: Not for profit

Proof of organisation: this document would include the unique organisation identifier and is usually provided by the government. If the document does not exist, you can upload a blank document.

Yes, you can apply for 100% funding or partial funding of the project.

Yes, if your project meets the definition of a clinical study and/or clinical trial in article 2.2(1) and (2) of the EU Regulation, it will not be funded under the fellowship programme. Any such clinical study/clinical trial may instead be sent to
[email protected] for consideration as an investigator sponsored trial

- Clear purpose and rationale for the project

- Objectives and overview of the project, including specific goals and population to be targeted

- Description of how the project achieves innovation

- Information regarding the applicant’s capacity to initiate and implement the project in a timely manner

- Methodology:

  • Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time sensitive project milestones and action steps required to meet project goals
  • Process for data collection and analysis, including which staff members will analyze the data
  • Deliverables in terms of measurable objectives and outcomes
  • Clear description of project outcome data and how they will improve patient care including relevant patient related outcome data, if applicable (which should ideally be measured using validated tools)
  • Methodology for the collection and reporting of cost-effectiveness data, if applicable

- Outline of your publication plans

- Clear details of the budget

Appropriate citations should be provided for all statistics and references should be listed in the application.

All applications must include full details of the amount of funding being requested. A justification must be provided for all items in the budget table on the application. Funding requests for additional staff can only be considered for project dedicated staff time to execute the project. Applications without an appropriately completed budget cannot be considered.

Yes, if the funding will be used to extend or expand an existing project that will be completed within 24 months and the proposal meets the criteria. The application must highlight why additional funding is required for the completion of the project. This must be explained in the application form.

Yes, on the condition that the application is resubmitted by the final deadline. To recall a submitted application,
email: [email protected]

All submissions will be reviewed prior to judging for completeness of applications. If, for any reason, further clarity is needed on an application, an email will be sent to the applicant to seek clarification (and, if needed, resubmission) before the final deadline.

What can I expect if I have a successful application?

All successful applicants will be notified by end September 2024 and will be asked to sign a grant agreement letter. The grant agreement letter summarises the core requirements of the grant award, the amount of grant and the responsibilities for each party including the right of Gilead Sciences to review any potential publications from the project.

On the successful award of a Fellowship grant, Gilead Sciences will state which items of the project will be supported. Full project payment will be made by year end 2024 and project are expected to be completed within 24 months.

We look forward to receiving completed applications by the 15th of July, 2024.